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9 posts
The intranet dump and how to rise above the pabulum
Relevancy and usefulness are the keys - good communications should not only be interesting to people, but influence their behaviour as well.
Content tactics – creating intranet pages
My Intranätverk presentation - how to implement your intranet content strategy on the page.
How we wrote ‘Creating Intranet Content’
Download your free copy of Creating intranet content: a guide for everyone.
Content challenges
What are your content challenges? How do you provide the right guidance for employees? How does news fit into your content strategy? Sit with me on Monday 23rd at the SMILE conference and let's create solutions.
How to make your intranet worthy of trust
An award winning intranet doesn't happen without dedication to high quality communications and employee engagement. William Amurgis shares his secrets.
The right formula for your content strategy
To make content valuable, we need to focus articles and communiqués to match the organisation’s objectives and meet the needs of the audience. By considering the long-term goals of content, we can keep the intranet, and other channels, task focused and people-centred.
A good summary is your best communication
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could beam information directly into people's minds?
Intranet content manifesto – 2nd draft
A second crack at getting some publishing principles across to people who've never written anything but emails.
Don’t ‘migrate’ content from the old intranet system to the new one
Don't create a 'Content Migration Plan' when you move to a new intranet system; it's not about migration, it's about fantastic content that supports people's work and meets their needs.