Intranet Now - the un/conference for comms and intranet people

Intranet Now 2015 is alive and kicking

Last year’s intranet conference will not be a ‘one off’ – Intranet Now is set to be a sustainable, and valuable, addition to the UK landscape.

We got everyone talking late last summer when Brian and I said we intended to put on a full-day intranet conference. We couldn’t have done it without the enthusiasm of the ‘intranet community’ (whatever that means) and the direct support from some jolly good sponsors.

That said, there were plenty who wondered if we could pull it off. After all, Brian and I had never met, and neither of us were event managers. I’m not saying anyone was betting against us, but I’ve been told there was a lot of gossip!

Intranet Now - the un/conference for comms and intranet people

Intranet Now 2015 conference

So now it’s time to think about this year’s event.

We publish all details on the Intranet Now home page, but I can tell you now that we have our first major sponsors lined up, we’re checking out some London venues, and we plan to host a couple of long-running award ceremonies. So you can expect high calibre speakers and some great case studies from practitioners.

And yes, the afternoon will once again be dedicated to unconference-style group discussions.

Brian and I mean to offer a variety of ticket prices, so that individuals as well as delegates from large corporations can afford to attend and participate. It’s not just about ‘early-bird’ pricing – we will offer tiered pricing.

Please join the Intranet Now mailing list so that you don’t miss out on the best tickets.

Intranet Now workshops

We knew we had to capitalise on the momentum of last year’s conference, so Brian and I have arranged a series of workshops through the summer of 2015.

Our first full-day training workshop is led by Gerry McGovern (whose keynote opened our conference in 2014). [More tickets released, new, bigger venue]

Brian and I are certain that organisations of all sizes and from all sectors need better support in designing and developing their intranets.

We also know from experience that in-house training can be expensive – not every organisation can put ten members of staff into a room – they don’t have ten people involved so deeply in the intranet!

Our workshops, open to everyone and anyone, provide practical guidance on how to optimise your intranet, and because attendees are from different organisations there’s a valuable opportunity to discover other people’s problems and how they tackle them.

Further, Brian and I are committed to sensible pricing. While larger corporations can afford whatever they want, smaller organisations, charities, and those in the public sector have to justify every pound.

For example, our first workshop with Gerry McGovern is just £300 – this is way below Gerry’s usual price, but we’ve convinced him that a trip to England is worth it.

Gerry McGovern intranet training

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