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61 posts

Forget ‘news’; reference pages is where it’s at

Every department or project desperately wants front page headlines on the intranet to drum up interest. But news is ephemeral; it's the permanent reference pages that will inform and educate the audience the most.

Tiny business comms

The challenge of finding a balance between friendliness and professionalism in a tiny business.

The danger of islands on the intranet ocean

We once built unconnected 'mini-websites' for teams to work together within. The trouble was, there was no shortcut to visit. So no one visited. Waste of time. Waste of effort.

9 mass mail good practices

Sending emails to hundreds of people is too easy - mistakes creep in and there's little you can do once you've pressed the send button.

Comms clangers – dropping the ball

I don't always get it right, and it's not always "someone else's fault". Miscommunication is a serious matter, and yet mistakes will happen.

Fear of the big projects

I need to throw-out my current intranet, and yet the risks of the new intranet project failing (in part) are so great I feel overwhelmed. Launch in t-minus three months.

Showing off

It's not all glamour and glitz as a communicator; we have meeting invites to ignore and spelling mistakes to fixate on as well. Oh the myths!