
Upcoming UK conferences

Eleven upcoming digital workplace / design / business conferences coming up in London.

When I think about intranet conferences, I think about more than intranets. I think about employee engagement, internal communications, productivity, and new ways of working within the digital workplace.

I’ve had the privilege to speak at several conferences across northern Europe, but I happen to have created Intranet Now in the UK. So how’s your conference diary shaping up?


Interact’s Interaction conference – 17 September

£250 +VAT


Gartner Digital Workplace Summit – 21 & 22 September

£1809 (approx.) + VAT or £1425 (approx.) + VAT for public sector


Dare conference – 28 September

£500 + VAT (probably £100 discount available somehow)


Intranet NowIntranet Now – 13 October

Early standard (still available) £145 + VAT

Standard £160 + VAT (Group discount available)


CIPR Inside conference – 13 October

Range of ticket prices, especially for members, £190 + VAT to £440 + VAT


Enterprise Search Europe – 20 & 21 October

£410 + VAT (some discount available)


Melcrum communications summit – 21 & 22 October

£1,295 + VAT


Interact UX – 20 & 21 October

£254.90 + VAT


Enterprise Digital Summit – 22 October

Early-bird £590 + VAT


SMILE (Social Media In the Large Enterprise) – 9 November

£345 + VAT (Group discounts available)


Intra.Net Reloaded – 9 & 10 November

£1895 + VAT


Yeah; I say ‘UK conferences’, but these are all in London. Hit me up if you know any others I should add to this list. Let us know in the comments if you’re speaking at any of these conferences.

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