This is a live blog. I’m at the IntraTeam conference and this is one of the first sessions.
Luis Suarez – @elsua Previously of IBM, as you know, now independent.
Has been without email for eight years.
Leadership in a connected enterprise, from hierarchy to wirearchy
Nothing new – wirearchy has been around for 17 years, says Luis.
Destroy the idea that ‘knowledge is power’.
‘Knowledge sharing is power’.
Number one business problem is disengaged employees. (Link does not work.)
We are failing relationships – managers are failing. People leave companies because of managers.
“Managers need to stop managing and start leading.”
People are not resources to be managed, they are people. HR needs to become ‘Human Relationships’.
How to develop engagement
Empowered people make decisions and therefore create value – and continue to learn. When learning stops, that person is disengaged.
Luis doesn’t like hearing the word ‘adoption’ when it comes to new systems and ways of working. He prefers ‘adaptation’ – adapting ways of working.
Key theme – openness; if you’re not open, and working out loud, you’re not helping anyone.
Typically, we don’t trust people who don’t share. We don’t know enough to decide to trust them. Social capital.
Book recommendation: Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness by Frederic Laloux.
We must be authentic and honest. Build a sense of belonging.
People prefer autonomy over a pay raise. Ownership of one’s work is crucial, which brings responsibility. People want purpose. What happens when you ask a colleague about their purpose?
Luis wants to see teams publicly recognised for their work – on the intranet, on the ESN, in meetings. Many orgs focus on rewarding individuals (bonuses) rather that finding a way to recognise and reward teams.
People leave a company because they don’t get on with their manager, or because nobody cares about them. Where are our friends at work? Who do we want to help and who wants to help us?
Young people leave a company after around two years, yet HR would say that an employee becomes truly ‘productive’ after three and half years.
Empathy is the most crucial 21st century skill. Empathy is putting yourself in their shows and imagining how you would do.
Everyone can be an open, connected leader.