Browsing Tag
internal communications
14 posts
Align your internal and external communications
Marketing communications may seem wholly separate to internal communications, and in turn the marketing team may feel worlds apart from the internal communications team. Yet marketing campaigns are stronger and more authentic when employees are involved. Don’t be ‘that company’ where the staff know less about your news than industry experts.
Separate the approval of content and style
Tired of Senior Engineers telling you they'd prefer the second sentence in your article to end with a smiley face? Want managers to let you shape messages as per your remit? Try this radical idea!
Simple communications
It’s something about being authentic, clear and concise yet thoughtful and human
Help me help your intranet manager and comms team
Take a second to send a link to my website to your intranet manager / editor, in the hopes of brightening their day.
Writing fashions to be wary of
Internal communications that are dull and lifeless often masquerade as interesting by using 'exciting' boilerplate. Here are a few criminal uses of English.
The disappearance of front page news – how do your readers find your intranet news stories?
News stories on my intranet ‘fall off‘ the front page after two days and ‘disappear’; at least as…
How do I justify the cost of Yammer to my boss?
I love Twitter, so I'm bound to like Yammer, which is like a private Twitter service used by companies. But people are terrified of Social Media and there is a financial cost to Yammer, so...
Talk about what is, not what will be
Today does not exist on the Internet.
When External Comms meets Internal Comms – when worlds collide
Internal Communications can feel a world away from External Communications. Find out how best to integrate the two divisions.
I heard, but I didn’t know
People might 'hear' or read about a change within your company, but do they 'know' about it?
Explaining what you do in 30 seconds without mentioning your function or title
Make it snappy and add pizzazz, don't just tell people your job title.
Don’t let the corporate world crush your creativity
As a writer, you're not just someone who is proficient with a word processor - you're a creative. Don't allow the corporate culture to treat you like a keyboard user.