Intranet Now 2014 crowd

Call for speakers – intranet, digital business, internal communications

We need you – your real-life, in-house experience is craved. Share your work, your travails and successes. We invite you to give a five minute lightning talk (or longer) at our conference.

Intranet Now logoUpdate: Gosh, our agenda is now kinda full. Thanks to so many of you for stepping up and joining us.

The Intranet Now conference / unconference is set for the 13th of October, and we have a ‘Bond villain luxury’ venue for you – four levels below the Thames.

Building on last year’s success, we want to co-create a conference that helps practitioners improve their intranet right now. We’re asking intranet managers, change agents, business leaders, digital workplace architects, internal communicators, and some consultants to step forward and provide their insights and guidance around the following themes.


  • The seamless digital workplace and how to achieve it
    • How do you make the devices and services that employees use to do their job all work together?
    • Have you blurred a boundary in your digital workplace? Used data from different places to make a new application?  We’d like to hear about it.
  • Communicator, Curator? Architect? – evolving roles in internal communications
    • The new orthodoxy says being able to write is not sufficient so what is it that you need to able to do and how do you acquire the skills? Talks on new skills and roles welcome.
  • UX for intranets
    • Tree Test, Observational usability, Card Sorting, Collaborative design, Personas – Using these techniques? Using different better ones? We want to have practical talks on how user experience tools and techniques are being used to change employees experience of intranets.
  • The business critical intranet
    • Getting actual work done within your intranet. Intranet as a tool, platform, and application. Workflows, transactions, processing.
  • Real engagement – beyond programmes, initiatives and gimmicks, what really works?
    • Change management, transformation, productivity. Not particularly gamification.

These themes are a guide for speakers – you’re completely free to design the specific topic of your talk / presentation. We would very much appreciate seeing some bullet points from you as soon as possible. We need help saying ‘yes’ to you!

To expand or discuss these themes, please tweet Brian on @BLamb with suggestions.

If you would like to speak for 5 minutes (a lightning talk) or for up to 25 minutes, please email me on with a few bullet points demonstrating what you’d like to cover.

Lightning talks

Ideal for first time speakers, practitioners with case studies, and seasoned presenters who know how to communicate an idea.

Present one idea that you’ve implemented on your intranet  – just one comms or intranet improvement.

In just five minutes with only a handful of slides (if any) you’ll want to:

  1. set out the challenge / problem;
  2. explain the impact of the problem (to the org and to people);
  3. showcase the approach you took to find / plan the solution (metrics, team members, processes);
  4. reveal the solution;
  5. discuss the implementation;
  6. express the impact and success;
  7. review any concerns, failures, or things you’d do differently.

All with humour and concise aplomb. Or at least concise humour.

Contact to book your slot – do it now.

More details

Venue | Speakers | Tickets | Mailing list | Google+ Community | Photos from 2014

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