Communications round-up – better writing all round

Re-cap of past articles – better communications through better writing. Always considering the audience.

I hope you can take the best bits of my articles and make them work for you. I’d be thrilled to hear more feedback, thoughts, concerns and practical ideas from you, so I’d like to invite you to review the best ideas and comment on them.

I always receive notifications of new comments, so if you’d like to join in the conversation on any of the articles listed below, I’ll be sure to take note.

My best Communication / Internal Communication articles:

I very much hope to see you comment on any article within kilobox communiqué – I read everything!

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The right formula for your content strategy

To make content valuable, we need to focus articles and communiqués to match the organisation’s objectives and meet the needs of the audience. By considering the long-term goals of content, we can keep the intranet, and other channels, task focused and people-centred.