Where does all the time go?

Am I too busy to join a professional body?

I travel too much, I know I do. The length of my commute to and from the office impacts my life, drags me down, and reduces the amount of work and fun I can fit into my day. Plus, public transport isn’t always pleasant.

One of the reasons I don’t go to the gym or night school is because I’m so tired and busy all the damn time.

I really would like to spend more time in my home office, working for the voluntary organisation I founded back in 2002. I would like to spend more time online networking with professional communicators, but it’s all I can do to keep up with my Twitter connections.

I spend most of my time in the office, in bed, and on my commute to the office.


I wish I had time to join a body, like the International Association of Business Communicators or Melcrum or the British Association of Communicators in Business (or even the Chartered Institute of Public Relations) but I fear that I’m already overwhelmed with my communications duties. You’ll notice there’s no lunch break shown on my pie chart :(

Half the time I reckon I should do more online, increase my blogging, launch a company, publish my novel and plunge further into professional networking, maybe on Linked In. The other half I think about unplugging, reading more books, writing, and ignoring the transient online hullabaloo. What’s a boy to do?


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