Fame @ Last

Did I mention that I have a reader?

Just the one so far, but I’m sure that’s the tip of the iceberg really.

Some real life Investor Relations / Publishing House is creating a brand new Magazine or something, possibly entitled CorpComms (oh my, that’s my name too!), they don’t have a web presence that I can see so I can’t provide a link.

The point I’m making is that they’re featuring me, prolly in one of those side-bar call-out boxes, but hey, should swell my hits considerably!

  1. Well it worked! I read the article on pg 9 of the launch issue of CorpComms magazine (www.corpcommsmagazine.com) and popped along to your blog. Get ready for global notoriety…

  2. Saw your piece in launch issue too. As to lack of knowledge of real communications…
    “This is not PR which is one-way communication…”

    Have you never read any research into what PR really is about? Try looking at Grunig’s model of symmetrical communications.

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