I need an Angel

kilobox communiqué is looking for a cash injection.

or a Dragon…

I’m asking to be adopted; I’d like to develop a relationship with someone who can see the longer term potential of kilobox communiqué and provide me with a little cash to maintain and improve my Internal Communications blog site.

In short, I’m looking for  a little sponsorship.

I don’t believe I need much, just a nominal amount to give my website a solid grounding and ensure it has ongoing backing. I’m a comms specialist, and I know Internal Communication resources are needed by professionals out there; I mean kilobox communiqué to become a reference-worthy and inspiring place to visit for writers and communicators, and unlike so many blogs, I have a UK focus.

Please reflect on my sponsorship page, and give me a ring if you’d like to discuss your ideas.

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If you were a real writer, you’d be writing for magazines

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My domain and site name are wrong

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