Gun shots fired by robbers: Ansty, Coventry

Cops chase robbers, no really.

News: 10:46am, Thursday 14th August, 2009; Ansty, Coventry, UK.

Armed ‘robbers’ were chased by armed police through the grounds of Ansty Hall hotel today.

I was out of the office and in the country, enjoying some training and such, when two armed robbers ran by our open doors followed by two(?) armed policemen.

Possible ‘facts’

It is thought that the police were chasing the robbers on the roads when the robbers drove into the grounds of the Ansty Hall hotel, perhaps thinking it was a drive-way to someone’s house.

At least one of the fleeing men had a hand-gun, and at least one (or both) of the police men were carrying an MP5(A3?). The chase continued past the conference hall and into the gardens / woods west of the the hotel (how far is unknown).

Perhaps three shots were heard, but no further details are known.

Conjecture suggests that some kind of attempted train robbery was involved.

Image courtesy of snowmanradio with permission to publish, see copyright.

1 comment
  1. I was a little concerned when I saw your earlier Twitter – glad I didn’t know how close (and armed!) they were. When you think what *could* have happened had they noticed the hostage potential it doesn’t bare thinking about…

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