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My other comms and intranet articles

A selection of my recent comms and intranet articles, published elsewhere.

I’m an independent comms and intranet contractor, I suppose. But I work closely with a couple of companies, and I’m sometimes invited to write for other publications.

WedgeFor the record, here’s a selection of recent intranet articles I’ve written for other websites, such as ClearBox, Content Formula, Intranetizen, and Ragan.


Office and Microsoft articles

How Microsoft is integrating Yammer into SharePoint 2013

The Microsoft digital workplace – new tools to get to grips with

Connecting Office for iPad to SharePoint

SharePoint migration paths


Helping people use your intranet

What to do after the launch of your intranet – relentless comms

What to do after the launch of your intranet – training topics and formats

What do you want people to do on your social intranet?


Optimising and improving your intranet

How to spot your intranet is on its last legs

Resurrecting your intranet from near-death

Intranet metrics & KPIs – only measure what you mean to act upon (Intranetizen – or see the Ragan version)

A framework for intranet governance

Seven tips to make your intranet content more engaging



Video: Five steps to great employee recognition programmes

Align your internal and external communications

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[ Wedge ]

Follow me on Twitter – I’m @Wedge


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