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13 posts
My (your) digital workplace newsfeed
Blogging is back (or at least, it should be). Bookmark my new site for daily digital workplace articles from the experts.
Love of the written
We bandy the word 'passion' around too much, but love of the λόγος (logos) should drive our written expressions.
Small business blogging – a taste of freedom
Guest post from Jon Buscall in Sweden on the freedom blogging brings to small businesses.
Help me help your intranet manager and comms team
Take a second to send a link to my website to your intranet manager / editor, in the hopes of brightening their day.
Internal communication blogs to follow
Ten blogs dedicated to communications and internal communications for you to follow along with me.
Would you like to team up to write about internal communications?
I’ve been writing about comms for years now, and seriously talking about good practices for over a year.…
Don’t read about internal communications
Wedge wants to join a professional body of communicators, he really does - but he doesn't want to solely drink from the kool-aid. Read more! Immerse yourself in media and marketing - get outside Internal Communications or risk becoming stale.
Who writes for your MD?
Does your CEO have a ghost writer?
Your intranet front page *is* a blog
News stories fall off the intranet front page fast in a busy company - where do they go?
Disclaimers are weak, consider a ‘claimr’
Don't use a weak-assed disclaimer - claim your words and thoughts with a claimr!
The people of 2008, the friends of 2009
I’ve already mentioned my important projects and how I mean to focus my attention – while I love…
New is not necessarily better
Not new and improved.