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181 posts
Communications of all kinds, internal, external, marketing et cetera.
Storytelling versus functional communications
Straightforward functional comms can work brilliantly for trusted colleagues. Big-picture engagement comms and strategic vision sharing often rely on narratives in an attempt to capture the hearts and minds of employees, which just ism't always necessary or desired.
My (your) digital workplace newsfeed
Blogging is back (or at least, it should be). Bookmark my new site for daily digital workplace articles from the experts.
Free to use images 2021 edition
There are some great stock image websites out there, with hundreds of thousands of terrible stock photos that you should not inflict upon your colleagues or clients.
Acronyms in headings
There's lots of guidance about acronyms, but little about using acronyms in page / news titles on the intranet.
Replying is not enough
How do you respond to feedback? Criticism? Demands for new features?
Millennials! Generation K is coming! Whatevs, I can’t even.
People are not 'distracted from relationships by their phones' - they are developing relationships through space and time using technology that suits them. Stop telling people to get off their phones when at the same time you expect 100% availability coz 'flexible working in the digital workplace'.
Making the business case for an ESN — Virpi Oinonen at IntraTeam Event Copenhagen
Virpi Oinonen @Virpi is famous for her business cartoons and is an enterprise social network evangelist and consultant.…
Luis Suarez at IntraTeam Event Copenhagen 2016 – Wirearchy
This is a live blog. I’m at the IntraTeam conference and this is one of the first sessions. Luis…
Twitter is dying
No it isn't. Slowing growth isn't the same as dying.
Align your internal and external communications
Marketing communications may seem wholly separate to internal communications, and in turn the marketing team may feel worlds apart from the internal communications team. Yet marketing campaigns are stronger and more authentic when employees are involved. Don’t be ‘that company’ where the staff know less about your news than industry experts.
Upcoming UK conferences
Eleven upcoming digital workplace / design / business conferences coming up in London.
Twenty words, not too many polysyllables
'Polysyllables' aside, it's simple to make our communications easy to read - and retain greater impact - with one or two basic rules.