Social Media in the Large Enterprise

Simply SMiLE table expert sessions

The London ‘Social Media in the Large Enterprise’ conference will be held again on the 25th of September. Part of the agenda is all about networking and discussion. Here are the subjects.

SMiLE (Social Media in the Large Enterprise) is on 25th September in London.

There will be two expert table sessions during the day so you can choose from two of the subjects here.  This is your chance to meet, network, and discuss the burning topics that interest you.

Social Media in the Large Enterprise

Topcis and discussion leaders:

  1. The future of work – does social, mobile and a digital workplace mean management must change too?  with SharePoint guru Sam Marshall, ClearBox Consulting, @sammarshall, @ClearBoxTeam
  2. The use of video on enterprise social networks (ESN) with the highly engaging Tony Stewart, International Internal Community Manager, @TSDigi
  3. Engaging your mobile employees, with the knowledgeable Ciara O’Keeffe VP Client Success, Beem, @Wearebeem  @CommsOKeeffe
  4. How do you encourage people to adopt a new tool or initiative? Dana Leeson, Digital Workplace Architect, BSI, @danaleeson. Dana is a tireless spreader of good practice through the IC Crowd and Intranetizen.
  5. Want to videostream your meetings and training?  Then don’t miss Driving employee engagement with live video and video webinars, with Sarah Platt, Managing Director, Kinura, @kinura, @sarahkplatt
  6. Fresh from the triumph of Intranet Now, we have Wedge Black, Kilobox, @Wedge on the subject of Sharing content internally – driving communications and supporting collaboration
  7. A new face at SMiLE London is Emma Bridger, The People Lab, @miss_commslab, who is asking Are enterprise social networks a force for good? – Exploring the psychological and people impacts of using ESN,
  8. Want to make social and digital work for you? Stop thinking engagement. Start thinking business value! – a business-focused session with Moodi Mahmoudi, CEO of Collaborne, @moodimahmoudi, @Collaborne
  9. Join Drive adoption of your social strategy – a mixed channel approach, by Marie Moynihan, Marketing Manager of the channel experts at Newsweaver, @Newsweaver_IC
  10. Online communities, is being facilitated by the ever-popular Benjamin Ellis, Executive Director at redcatco and SocialOptic, @benjaminellis
  11. What is the future of the intranet? Luke Mepham is another popular facilitator and expert from the Intranetizen community, whose day job is User Experience Architect, Aviva, @LukeMepham
  12. Engage4Success is a movement backed by successive UK governments and a real force for engagement in the workplace. John Smythe, Practitioner, Author, Speaker on leadership and employee engagement, @engage4change will be facilitating a session along with Phoebe Lebrecht, @phoebelebrecht on Exploring experiences of using SM to engage people in the development and delivery of strategy,
  13. Extending the power of ESN’s with voice, will be facilitated by one of our App exhibitors, Philip Wride, of VENNCOMM, @pwride, @VENNCOMM
  14. We are looking forward to welcoming Wim Stoop @thewimster from Jive @JiveSoftware to host a table about their popular platform, which powers so many of the most successful ESNs that we feature on simply-communicate, such as Grant Thornton, Thomson Reuters and Pearson
  15. Neville Hobson, @Jangles – the granddaddy of social media in the UK will be facilitating a session.  This is your chance to meet the legend behind FIR. Neville will discuss How transparent is wearable technology within the enterprise?
  16. Internal communications and the boardroom, is the question being asked by recruitment specialsts Julie Skidmore, @EllwooJulie, and Gavin Ellwood of Ellwood Atfield, @EllwoodAtfield
  17. One of the most popular Apps demonstrated at the last SMiLE London came from Seenit and their founder Emily Forbes @_seenit: How to engage your colleagues by giving them a voice, Seenit is a platform that allows brands and organisations to create engaging videos with their audiences.
  18. Success with internal social media? Find the killer-integration, is the table session run by Erwin van der Vlist, Founder Speakap, who will talk about how to boost recurring activity of employees by making the social platform a must-have solution for their daily work @Speakap, @speakaperwin
  19. And if your thing is ideation and crowd-sourcing innovation then don’t miss: How do you crowd source good ideas to solve big business problems? How can businesses use crowdsourcing to solve the challenges they face? Whilst consumer initiatives like Kickstarter and are using the power of the crowd successfully, businesses face being left behind. Can enterprises learn from the consumer space, or is crowdsourcing ill advised? With Will Read, CEO of Sideways 6, @S6Ideation
  20. If you want to use an App to publish your content on mobile devices then listen to Engage, communicate and deliver via an app, with Richard Stephenson CEO of YUDU, @richstephenson, @YUDU
  21. WM360, @WM360Global, is a specialised global business consultancy and technology services firm specialising in building world-class intranets and business systems using Microsoft SharePoint. Their table was very popular at the last SMiLE for those interested in implementing SharePoint and O365.
  22. Jamespot, @jamespot, is an enterprise social network publisher, who are based in France. They will run a table on how to adapt social tools to make them match the culture of your own company.
  23. TheAppBuilder, @theappbuilder will discuss how it’s now possible to create a new and exciting communications channel in 4-6 weeks, with little or no IT involvement required.
  24. Codezoners, @codezoners. Developing digital skills to grow your business (and employment opportunities for young people is the subject of this table moderated by Will Pearon, Director of Technology at Ravensbourne, and Jeanette Carlsson, CEO, New Media 2.0, @newmedia2dot0.
  25. And finally the team who are putting together the event app for SMiLE London are The App Garden, @TheAppGarden, who are leading a table on how to create a simple app for your next event.


[ Gloria ]

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Gloria LombardiPassionate about internal communications, social media, enterprise social, employee engagement, journalism and publishing.

Gloria is the Community Manager, Webmaster and Reporter at the on-line publisher simply-communicate.

Gloria’s responsibilities combine researching, writing, and publishing content on internal communications, employee engagement and social business. She curates the publication of the weekly magazine and manages the on-line community of internal communicators throughout all the publisher’s digital channels. She frequently interviews companies and professionals in the field, writes case studies, products and book reviews, and report from internal communications and social business events.

She works on SMiLE (Social Media inside the Large Enterprise), developing products and presenting on issues around introducing Social Media in the Large Enterprise.

Gloria’s keen interest in the relationship between social technologies, employee communications, and the future of work is also reflected in her writing on Marginalia on Engagement, her personal site.

Gloria can be found on Twitter (@Lombardi_Gloria), and also tweets on behalf of @SimplyComm.

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